Webinar: LEARN & GROW │ A Modern Learning Management System

CommPayHR Learn & Grow Webinar

Have you been thinking about investing in a Learning Management System (LMS)?

Research shows that LEARNING is the number one way employees would like to be engaged at work and in today’s competitive job market, it’s more critical than ever for employers to deliver. Giving employees the training they need when they join your organization, as well as the continuous learning and professional development they want, creates a better employee experience thereby increasing your chance of retaining them.

Watch a demonstration of Commonwealth Payroll & HR’s isolved LEARN & GROW where you will learn how you can:

  • provide the training employees need when they join your team
  • ensure your team is up to date with the latest compliance courses & training
  • upload customized content & sessions, tailored to your business & industry
  • use gamification for rewards & recognition to encourage adoption and continued use

This demo was recorded on March 28, 2023.

Presentation Slide Deck

Session Transcript:

Jeff Plakans (00:03):

Hey everybody. Thanks for joining us this afternoon for our isolved Learn & Grow Session. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Jeff Plakans. I’m the founder and president of Commonwealth Payroll & HR, and we appreciate you taking the time out of your lunch hour or from your late morning to join us to learn a little bit more about Learn & Grow. Why is this important? Well, we have a lot of employers that come to us and talk to us about W where did all my employees go? Why are they disappearing on me? And it’s lost, or we’ve found it’s lost on a lot of employers that what’s now important in the workforce, especially to the new generations in the workforce, is that their employer provides a tremendous amount of opportunity to learn and to develop and to get smarter and better at whatever role it is they’re playing.


So today I’m joined by Shaun Fowler and Sean Salins of isolved who are Learn & Grow experts, and they’re going to take us through the whole process of what the isolved Learn & Grow product solution is, and more importantly, really why we need it. So we’re going to be recording this session for those of you who were unable to attend, but will watch later. You’re going to get a copy and of course for those of you here today, you’ll still get a copy as well. It’ll be worth, I promise you a second look. So having said that, Shaun Fowler, let’s go to you.

Shaun Fowler (01:39):

All right, perfect. Thank you Jeff and appreciate everybody’s patience and attendance today as we kick off this webinar for Learn & Grow, brought to you by Commonwealth. So today just real quick, we’re going to look at today’s agenda. So we’re going to meet the presenters, which is basically myself and the other Sean. We’ll learn a little bit more about Learn & Grow, give you a bit of an overview, and then Sean is going to take us through the demonstration of that solution so you can see the user interface and see how easy it is to use. And then we’ll have a question and answers at the end of the session. But don’t be shy, feel free to enter those into the chat or the Q&A section and we’ll get to those as we move through the demo as well. So our panel today, you already know Jeff Plakans.


My name is Shaun Fowler, I’m the account manager over here for Commonwealth. I’ve been with isolved for a little over two years now. And Sean Salins, the senior solutions consultant, you’ll hear from him in a little bit and you’ll probably hear that he’s going to say that he spells his name correctly with the S-E-A-N, and since we’re so close to St. Paddy’s Day, I’ll give it to him this time. But we will look at the situation that most of you might be feeling today out there in the workforce. So as Jeff had alluded, there’s a new normal out there and employees are looking for more ways that their employers can provide some learning and training solutions. So as we look at some metrics here, 36% of employees say that a lack of a LMS system or learning management system or a fast-paced learning tool is missing for career development.


And about half of them say that those learning opportunities would keep them engaged at work. So we know that an engaged employee is a more productive employee and there’s different, I guess, learning development solutions that you can look at for those employees. Looking at what’s important, when asked how their employer could improve their support for their professional development, most of the employees over half say that more education through a LMS system is needed and as well as career pathing opportunities. So not only just making sure that we’re doing the trainings needed for regulatory oversight, but also creating those career paths, putting together leadership resources that they can learn how to be a better leader or public speaking. We all, we know that investing in employee experience has an increase on their profit and also returns higher levels of performance for employees as well as higher retention.


And in today’s day and age retention is very important. So we’re going to help you with this solution. We’re going to help you execute on your organization’s online growth objectives through this Learn & Grow system. As we will see here in a bit you’ll see that it’s a visually intuitive in interface as we walk through that demonstration. So some of the features and the benefits of this solution, obviously being a fully customizable and #personalizing your curriculum to your employees is very important, as I mentioned, not only just for their career development, but also for regulatory oversight, making sure that certain safety trainings or sexual harassment or cybersecurity trainings or are handled, those are becoming mainstay nowadays.


And customizing that not only the regulatory environment or information, but creating more of those career pathing opportunities and of course reporting within the system, understanding where we can improve ourselves within the system. So you’re going to gain a lot more productivity with your employees and as they grow professionally and personally, you’re going to improve your retention and you’re going to ensure compliance with this solution. So with that, I am going to turn it over to Sean Salins, give him the screen and I’ll let him take it from here.

Sean Salins (06:11):

Thank you so much, Shaun, and thank you everyone for joining. Shaun, you can you hear me okay? Just want to-

Shaun Fowler (06:16):

Yes, [inaudible 00:06:18].

Sean Salins (06:18):

… double check on that. Perfect. All right, perfect. And let me go ahead and are you seeing my screen showing the course paths?

Shaun Fowler (06:28):

I’m seeing isolved blank screen.

Sean Salins (06:31):

Okay, then let me choose a different screen change. Let’s see. Might have to move this over here. And now let’s try that again. Are you now seeing, got it.

Shaun Fowler (06:48):

Good to go.

Sean Salins (06:49):

Okay, so my camera’s here, my screen’s here. So just bear with me as we go through this. So just to kind of take what John was sharing with you and kind of illustrate it through the demonstration thought, we would start here with the employee’s view, which might equate to as the learner, the person who’s logging in because they want to enhance their knowledge in a certain area, or maybe they’ve been assigned a course by their manager to complete or by HR to complete. We’re going to talk about all of that today. But I thought we would start with the employee’s perspective and specifically Ms. Mary Adams viewing her dashboard where she sees things like her new hire orientation course path, which consists of four courses and she’s 50% completed with that or her state sexual harassment course path, which contains two courses, which she hasn’t completed that yet.


And so this allows her to centrally manage those courses that were essentially bundled together for her. So we’re going to talk in a moment, how you can use the solution to build not just your own courses, but to bundle those together as course paths as well. But like I said, right now I should say we’re looking at this through Mary’s lens. Now, if she were to drill into the new hire course path, she can again see her progress. She can save this to her favorites so she can get back to business straight away. She can see those courses that she has completed in this instance as well as details regarding the courses, how long they are approximately, and any descriptions. And as she scrolls down, she also sees that she hasn’t started the 300 course, which happens to be a prerequisite for the 301 course.


So this is just an illustration of from Mary’s perspective as a learner, how she can be given access to these courses, but also how it can be structured in such a way that she can’t complete one course without completing the other. And in a moment, I’m going to show you how all this can be administered. Now, Mary has access to more than just these course paths. If she goes back up here to her classroom, my classroom, she can access the list of courses that are available to her to either again, be assigned or for her to take. So what we’re going to see once the course list appears is that she has some courses that she has passed and she can view the details of those courses. As she scrolls down she has some courses that have this pro tag and what this pro tag equates to, and I also have the off to the left here, the categories are pro content.


So with isolved Learn & Grow, you’ve got choices. You can access courses that you create and can create those courses. We’ll talk about that. But there’s also the ability to leverage the pro content where you have access to 150 predefined courses around business skills, around compliance, around industry specific course content, leadership management, soft skills, et cetera. So there’s a library of 150 courses that can be supplied to or would be supplied to you if you went with the pro aspect or pro version. What you also get access to with the perversion is our marketplace, our content marketplace, as Shaun had referred to it. And that’s where you get access to over 70,000 courses where you can choose from that library of courses to add to your library. And that’s in addition to the 150 courses. Now, as far as cost and so forth, Jeff and the folks at Commonwealth can certainly speak with you about that.


I think that’s kind of going to be part of our wrap up. But I’m here to show you the functionality. And right now, as I said, we’re looking at this through the eyes of a learner, through Mary as an employee who has either been assigned courses or is seeking to educate herself and to expand her horizons through the courses that are available here, whether they’re courses that were created by you, which we’re going to look at next, or the pro content that we deliver with the pro conversion, which can also include those marketplace courses. Now with regards to the solution, that’s pretty much what Mary has access to based upon her as a learner or an employee who is seeking knowledge or has been assigned to complete a course. And I should say that if she is assigned a course, this is my funny for the day, on her dashboard, she can view courses and that she’s favored courses that she’s taken, recommended courses, et cetera, but she can also see is that she has a course path or an assignment that’s overdue.


She was actually supposed to complete it by May 8th, 2021. So I just wanted to… And we’re going to look at how you can assign courses in a moment when we look at things as a classroom admin, which is what we see up here in the upper left-hand corner, we will access that in a moment. But what I was going to say is when you assign a course or course path to employer or employees, and there are a number of ways to do that, options I should say, the system will send out a notification to that individual or individuals alerting them to the fact that they have been assigned a course and supply them with the link so they can get right to that course or course path and start taking those courses. If they don’t complete the course assignments in a timely manner, like Mary here, she would’ve gotten a daily reminder from the system since 2021 when she was supposed to be completing it.


So hopefully that’s never going to happen. Your folks aren’t going to have to deal with that. But that’s how the system is designed to work, is to ensure compliance with completing those courses by automating the reminders that go out. So all that said leads us to what does this look like to you as classroom admin? What kind of capabilities do you have? So I’m going to switch gears now. And Mary is not just a learner, but she’s also a classroom admin. So now what we should be looking at is the demo dashboard. This is going to be your dashboard where you can as an admin, as a classroom admin, oversee where you’re at with your total number of learners. There is gamification. So who has earned badges, how many people have earned badges, how many people have earned certificates? It gives you that high level of view.


And then it’s really off to the left that I want to draw your attention to the content that would be available or could be available to you as a classroom admin. So there is the course content area where I’ve mentioned marketplace a couple of times, and Shaun also mentioned it as the content marketplace or it was in his slide. What this is this comes with the pro version. It is access to over 70,000 courses that you can choose to bundle or certain bundles so you can download a certain number of courses to add to your library.


So maybe you’re going with the one to 10 bundle or the one to 20 bundle, something of that nature. But it literally allows you to scour over 70,000 courses. So if you’re happen to be in the healthcare industry, for example, just as an example of courses I know that are out here and you’re interested in assigning downloading and assigning courses related to bloodborne pathogens, to your nurses, your doctors, et cetera. This is just one example of all the different kinds of course content. These courses also come in different languages as well, such as Spanish. There we go. So that’s just one example of doing a quick search to filter through and choose from the resulting list of courses. And so that’s the marketplace.


Now, in addition to the marketplace and the pro hundred 50 courses that I talked about, the other thing that’s very powerful about isolved Learn & Grow is the ability for you to create your own course content. And so as a classroom admin, and this is part of the capability, this is what you get with Learn & Grow, these other things like Marketplace and the pro content is with the pro version, but the courses, the course creation is very powerful because it gives you a lot of flexibility to create your own content or to leverage predefined content. So here I have a list of courses that were created by myself or others in my team. And if I wish to create a new course, I simply select the create course button. And I’m not going to go through the entire steps of creating a new course.


But what I do want to focus on really were the types of courses that you can create video trainings, one of the ones that you’ll find a lot within Learn & Grow. So basically one or more videos can be uploaded. We support multiple formats, mp4, wmv formats, video file formats. So you can upload those video files to serve as the context for your training course that you’re creating. You can also leverage audio format. So if you want to create more of a podcast type training, you certainly can upload audio files to make that part of your course content. We have presentation and text and what I always say is though that sounds like it’s the same thing, it’s not. Presentation is where you upload a PDF or PowerPoint, something of that nature, a static do document that contains the details that you want the person to review.


Whereas text is where you’re simply typing in the text to make that the basis for the course content. And where I’ve seen that used mostly is when you want to point someone to another website. And so the text you’re typing in is simply a URL that you’re presenting to the persons to so that you can assign the course from within Learn & Grow. You can track the course from within Learn & Grow, they can access that URL from within Learn & Growth, gives them a centralized place to access that training that might be state run or something of that nature where they have to go to a different site. So that’s where the text training comes into play. Onsite training, training versus SCORM. Well, onsite training is or can be utilized for true instructor-led onsite training. Can also be utilized for webinar type training like we’re doing today.


What did you do before you came here? You registered. Well, we have a built-in registration capability with the onsite training course type where you can allow people a calendar to view trainings that are upcoming, to register for those. So you can track those registrants and manage those registrants. There’s a lot that we can unpack here. We’re talking about the types of training you can create. And then SCORM, it’s an acronym, but the bottom line is it reflects a type of training format that is universal. And there are lots of suppliers out there that create SCORM content. So that means you can leverage other vendors, suppliers of training. You can even create your owns SCORM content and utilize that and upload it so it can get lots of options. And just to take us back to the 150 courses, the pro content in the marketplace, those are all SCORM compliant course content that we get through our partnership with a company called Go One.


They are a fantastic partner of ours. They’ve create and curate tens of thousands of course content that then can be made available for you to leverage. And it’s all SCORM compliant content, long story made short. So in addition to the different kinds of trainings you can create within the platform and manage, there’s also of course the ability to fine tune the course, the description of the course, to determine whether or not the course is going to have a test at the end that requires a certain percentage, passing percentage. And what happens to determine what happens if the person doesn’t pass that course? Are you going to lock that course for any period of time? So this create course process allows you to really specify all of that so that you can take those courses that you create or those courses that you’re leveraging through our content and bundle them into course paths like we already talked about.


Mary had a couple course paths assigned to her. So this is where you can create those course paths and you can add those different courses to the course path, providing your employees with a list of courses that encompass a certain topic area for example. And to be able to also specify, like we talked about, whether or not there are prerequisites in place, very configurable. Now there’s also the ability to create certificates to go along with these courses and course paths. That’s not to say certifications, it’s certificates, it’s awarding someone a certificate that they can print off and hang on their cubicle wall and so forth. But you can customize that, create your own certificates to go along with the courses you create. Then there’s the assignments. We are going to dip into assignments because I want to just express to you some of the options you have there.


With assignments it’s just what we already talked about. It’s en enabling you to assign to one or more employees, individuals, to assign a course or course path or paths to them. When I go to create new assignment, what we’re going to see, and I’m really going to focus in on the assignment type, is that you have several different options for assigning courses. The manual assignment is simply saying, “I’ve got this course or course path I’m going to manual assign to these individuals,” and to manually assign to one or multiple individuals. But you also have the automatic assignments by org, labor value and by teams. And that’s a more dynamic assignment. It provides you more dynamic assignment capability. So in isolved you’ll have set up your org and labor values. What could that equate to? Could equate to department, could equate to location, could equate to a number of things.


In my demo environment, it equates to work location and department and even sub-department. So that’s all going to be configured or customized within the solution. So you can leverage it here to dynamically assign a course or course paths to multiple individuals without having to select the individuals themselves. I can say, “Look, I want everyone in the Salt Lake City office who happens to be in the sales department to be assigned this course or course path.” In that way it’s dynamically and automatically assigning to all those people that meet that criteria. And also in that way, if someone is coming and going, leaving or joining that location and/or department, they’ll automatically be assigned those courses, course paths, making your job administering that much easier. Now that differs slightly with regards to automatic by teams. Take the two Seans you got here, you got Sean Salins, who works in the solution consultant team and you’ve got Shaun Fowler who’s an account manager.


We’re in two different teams, but maybe we both have to take the same course we could create instead of trying to figure out, okay, what parameters do I want to select from to make sure they both get assigned these courses. We could just be added to a team within Learn & Grow. So you can create customized teams and then dynamically assign people that way. So another option to ease that administrative burden to manage that, those assignments so that everyone is being assigned the courses, the course content that they should be assigned.


Now having said all that I already said, I already mentioned to you, and I’ll reiterate here that with these assignments once assigned dynamic or otherwise, the individuals are going to be getting a notification, and I apologize, I talk with my hands, which is why I typically turn off my camera. But they, they’re going to be assigned, receive a notification, and then the system will track whether or not they’re completing that assignment in timely manner. And as I mentioned with Mary, it’ll start sending out daily reminders automatically to those folks if they’ve not completed by that due date. So again, easing some of that administrative burden but allowing you through the reporting capability to track all of that. So we’ll take a look at reports in a moment.


Last thing I wanted to talk a around really the course content is the testing. And I’ve already kind of alluded to the fact that your courses can contain or include tests. They can also include quizzes. These are quizzes and tests that you create with the specific questions, question types that we provide in the solution so that you can assign those tests and or quizzes to your course content to ensure that people are having those knowledge checks along the way and then being tested at the end, even if that test is simply a yes no question. We use that here at isolved all the time where we’ll present material to someone through maybe a presentation type course that we’re supposed to review. And then the test at the end isn’t necessarily questions testing our knowledge on that document, but to simply stipulate, yes, I read and understood what I just looked at.


So that’s another way that you can leverage that, but it’s configurable for your needs. And then there is gamification, we haven’t talked about that, but there’s badges that you can customize that you can award to people. There’s a leader board that can be leveraged. So as people are completing their courses, they’re ratcheting up that leaderboard for bragging rights. But there’s also grade levels. So for example, I’m not bragging here, but I’ve taken enough courses over the four years I’ve been with isolved that I’m an ace. So between the courses I’ve taken through isolved and the live courses I’ve taken, I’m an ace, right? So there’s that kind of capability. And then from an purely an administrative standpoint, we already talked about teams and how that can be utilized, but there’s also the reporting capability. And so you can see your dashboard, you can see assignments to manage those assignments, viewing all assignments or at risk assignments, et cetera.


You have certificates where you can view the certificates. People have been awarded course attempts, course feedback and locks. The feedback is when you’re setting up a course, whether or not you want to allow for people after they’ve completed the course to offer feedback, and that allows you then to report and track that feedback. Course locks go along with the testing, someone didn’t pass a test, does the course get locked after a certain number of attempts to pass that test? And if so, how long?


I’ve been here a number of years I’ve had that happen to me. You might think, “Oh, locking the course for days isn’t going to do anything.” Well, it is when the course is due tomorrow. That’s putting some added pressure on me experience firsthand. It works, right? I made sure I passed that test the next time. So there are a number of reports that are available so that you can again centrally manage and administer this process. Very robust, a lot of bells and whistles. I think I’ve hit on some of the key features during the course of the demo and hopefully the same features. I’m pretty optimistic that I hit on the same features that Shaun talked about during his part of the presentation. But I’m going to stop here and I’m going to stop my sharing and that should allow you, Shaun to re-share yours and we’ll see what questions may have come through during the course of the demo, if any.

Shaun Fowler (27:58):

I think you still have to make me presenter.

Sean Salins (28:01):

Yes, sir. All right, so change presenter. Thank you.

Shaun Fowler (28:07):

Perfect. And Maria, Jeff, you’re welcome. Did we have any questions come through?

Jeff Plakans (28:13):

We did have a couple of questions, Shan, let me, give me one second here. Okay, so the first one was, and I think this is for Sean Salins, but both of you I think can speak to it, is how deep can we go on selecting our own content or can we customize the content for ourselves specific for our industry?

Sean Salins (28:36):

Great question. So when I talked about creating your own courses, that’s where that would happen. Any content that we deliver with our pro content or the marketplace, you won’t be able to modify, but you can certainly create your own course content. And you saw there’s a whole list of different types of content you can create from video to audio to up creating your own SCORM content and uploading that or purchasing it elsewhere. So hopefully, oh, let me verify, change presenter. Hopefully that addresses that question, Jeff.

Jeff Plakans (29:10):

Okay, let me see here. So another one, I know you kind of alluded to, but I think what are some best practices for setting the course path or what have you seen out there in where you guys have seen this put into place?

Sean Salins (29:30):

So yeah, I’ll speak to that first and then Sean, if you have any thoughts. First off, I think a best practice is to not make the course paths like consist of more than five to maybe 10 courses total. If you’re going to have more than five courses in a course path, you might want to consider breaking it up into a part one and a part two because that can be very overwhelming to the learner. The other thing is definitely leverages prerequisites when and where applicable. Not that they always need to be leveraged, but I think it’s a really good idea if you want to certainly drive compliance with an understanding. It’s about learning, it’s about here’s this course which has content that’s going to help you understand this next course. Otherwise people might just bop around and not follow that specific path. So the prerequisites are really key in those situations. Other than that, I’d have to put a little more thought on it, but those are the first two things that came to mind.

Shaun Fowler (30:26):

Yeah, I would say other than that, I would just add that the last little bit that Sean talked about where you can group your employees into different categories, different teams, different locations, that definitely will help you with the administrative side streamline the process. So that’s the only thing that I’ll add as well.

Sean Salins (30:48):

Thanks, Sean.

Jeff Plakans (30:49):

So there was one more question and is specific to can we combine our own content with that that we can purchase? So I think it might be worthwhile just to go over again the differentiation between where this content’s coming from and specifically the content that’s unique to individual companies industries. I think the 70,000 different courses that are available. Could you cover that one more time?

Sean Salins (31:26):

Absolutely. And thank you for that, Jeff, because I think I kind of handled it a little bit backwards. So first off, with isolved Learn & Grow, what you have the capability to do is create your own course content. Like we talked about, video, audio, you can upload SCORM content, you can create your own course content. Now, when you go with the pro version, that gives you access to 150 predefined courses around compliance management, soft skills, et cetera, even some industry specific. And yes, you can absolutely combine courses you create with the courses that come with the pro version, so you can mix and match and build those into course paths and so forth. You absolutely have that capability. And then what you also get access to with the pro versions is the marketplace, which gives you the ability to download from a library of 70,000 plus courses around just a ton of topic areas.


And there’s an additional cost for that. And my understanding is it’s based upon as the client you deciding how many courses do I want to be able to download from the marketplace in addition to the 150, in addition to the courses I’ve created, how many do I want to be able to download at any one time? And so basically that kind of bundled pricing is how that would work. But yes, the marketplace, you can combine those with the pro 150 courses as well as the courses you create. You can bundle those together in course paths and so forth. So you can really mix and match to make the right training available at the right time to the right people is the way I would put that. But hopefully that answers the question, Jeff.

Jeff Plakans (33:13):

I think it does. I think it does. Thank you very much. Okay, you’re welcome. Well, Shaun Fowler, let’s go to you. I know you’ve got a slide to introduce here and then we’ll take it home.

Shaun Fowler (33:24):

Perfect. Yeah. And if you have any more questions, please feel free to post them out there. But lastly, and thank you Sean, for walking us through the demonstration, always seeing it because as we move forward, things change, right? Things change in the marketplace, different competitors come up, there’s different asks from the employees. So we want to make sure that this technology isn’t just good for one year or two years, that it’s for future proofing this technology for you. So that means going out to the market to get competitive analysis on what our competitors are doing, what they’re including, and how we can make our solution better.


Looking at just the modern web design of it, because it’s important to be able to use it, and not only that, it doesn’t have all the bells whistles, but you have to know how to use it. So important, modern web design is important. Continuous product development and industry and compliance updates, those are all made as we put on the roadmap, as we improve the solution within the market. So you can rest assured that the time and the investment that you put into a solution like this will help pay dividends going forward. And especially you won’t have to look for another solution because we’ll have it all wrapped up in this solution as well. With that, we are going to see if there’s any more questions.

Jeff Plakans (34:58):

We are good on questions, so I will sort of take us home. One thing I do want to add, because I think it’s, you guys didn’t mention it here, there’s a lot of question today about the use of mobile devices and certainly we’re doing everything on our phones. In fact, good chance there’s someone watching this right now who’s doing so on a phone. Learn & Grow is a solution. And I know because we talked about that front end of the younger end of the workforce right now, who we see spending a lot of time with their phones watching TV or watching shows or whatever it might be. Well, through our adaptive employee experience, that’s to feature part of Learn & Grow through there. So an employee can take all of the coursework that Sean just showed you, which he showed you primarily on a computer screen, will also be modified and utilized and taken on a mobile screen.


So I think that’s important to discuss and understand because there’s a lot of mobile employees out there and we need to make sure that we meet them where they are and that’s the important thing. So other than that, thank you for joining us today. As I mentioned, thank you for giving us your lunch hour, if it is such. Now, if you want to learn more about Learn & Grow, just reach out to your customer service and support specialist or your account manager. Either one will be able to talk a little bit more about how we can work, learn, and grow to fit the needs of your company and your employees. Again, we’ll be sharing the recording of this with each of you that’s been registered. That will be coming out sometime probably in the next 24 hours following this. Shaun Fowler, thank you for your time today, Sean Salins, thank you as well for your time today. And again, if there’s no more questions, we’ll call it a webinar. Thanks everybody.

Shaun Fowler (37:08):

Thanks Jeff. Thanks Sean. Thanks everyone. Take care.

Jeff Plakans (37:12):



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