We founded Commonwealth Payroll & HR in the early days of 2006, during the worst economic conditions seen since the Great Depression. It was difficult to watch, as businesses on Main Street were severely impacted from the burst of the real estate bubble and collapse of Wall Street. However, the fortitude of their owners and operators, the dedication to their missions, and loyalty to their employees was inspiring.
Today, with the economic and social impact of COVID19 and the uncertainty brought upon us by ongoing political and racial disharmony, we are once again at a point where we must look towards Main Street for leadership. Our country’s small businesses and non-profit organizations, where true heroes are at work, day after day, putting customer and employee needs before their own.
You are Commonwealth’s people: customers, owners, employees, and advisors, collectively focused on what is within your control and not distracted by what is not.
We do what we do because we are committed to being there for you, the true drivers of our economy and employment.
Commonwealth’s commitment is to make our clients better – for the benefit of the people they are responsible for, and we will not waver from this mission.
Our goals are simple: make sure you feel like family, that your issues matter, and to coach you through the challenges that for us are ‘business as usual’ and for you, new territory. If we have been successful, we have not only earned your loyalty, but developed a relationship in the process.
We are eternally grateful for the trust you have placed in us.
Jeff Plakans