Attract & Hire

Improve your hiring practices by integrating Attract & Hire with your onboarding and payroll system.

It’s no secret there is a major talent shortage & hiring managers are finding it more difficult than ever to find top quality talent. Let’s face it, candidates have choices. If your company isn’t standing out from the competition with a top-notch candidate experience, you could be losing out on qualified candidates. Having an established hiring process, time-saving tools and quick follow through are all key to finding and keeping your next great employee.

Whether you want to scale your team quickly, source remote candidates or reach diverse talent, isolved’s Attract & Hire gives you the technology to find the best-fit candidates for your open roles.

Make Smarter Hiring Decisions

With Attract & Hire, you can dive headfirst into tasks that need a human touch and automate the manual tasks that don’t. Automatically post your open positions to best-inclass job boards, pre-screen candidates with questionnaires, and schedule interviews easily with integrated calendars without all the back and forth. Save time for the things that matter the most while making sure nothing falls through the cracks.


Attract Top Talent with Attract & Hire

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Compare and see which one of our plans best suits your business needs. Learn more about each feature and add-on's available to custom fit what you're looking for in a payroll & hr management tool.