By Jay Hargis
As I was reading the Boston Sunday Globe, I happened to glance through the “Help Wanted” section with one thought running through my mind…”Who still advertises open positions in the newspaper?” Well, along with the players that I suspected…The MBTA, the area hospitals, and a few non-profits, I saw an old school display ad for Technical Positions at Yahoo! The Internet portal. The ad goes into detail about the amazing technology, the impact that the Internet has on society, and that you will “create the next generation of Internet experiences for consumers and advertisers across the globe”.
At the end of the ad, they send you to their private career site—not Yahoo Jobs—to apply.
I’ve done my share of recruiting and some of it in high technology organizations. Why would I want to hire a Technical Yahoo! Person who was looking for a job in the newspaper Help Wanted section unless I was looking for an old school COBOL programmer?
The display ad just doesn’t make sense, in my opinion. If you want Technical people, you’ve got to go shopping where technical people hang out. At a minimum, you should be on a specialty job board or send your recruiter to a technical conference. The Globe? Really?
Disagree? We’d love to hear from you.